Assessment of Functioning
Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF)
The Global Assessment of Functioning Scale (GAF) measures a combines score of psychological, social and occupational limitations on an scale from 0 to 100. The scale is included in the DSM-IV classification system for the assessment of functional limitations (axis V). The scale has been adapted for children (CGAS) and for the child-parent relationship PIR-GAS.
Modified Global Assessment of Functioning (Modfied GAF)
A limitation of the GAF is that the scale does not provide explicit scoring information. In the modified GAF anchor points are defined for detailed scoring form 0 to 100. A revised edition is available.
MIRECC Global Assessment of Functioning (MIRECC-GAF)
The GAF has a complex structure, combining psychological, social and occupational limitations in functioning. The basic structure of the GAF in three dimensionss is given here (in Dutch). The MIRECC-version of the GAF separates the three dimensions. A validation study has been published in Psychiatric Services (2007; 58: 529-35). A Ducth preliminary translation is available here.
Kennedy Axis V
The Kennedy Axis V (K Axis) is a multidimensional scale for disfunction in10 areas:
psychological, social, violant behavior, daily functioning, addictions, medical limitations, additional limitations, danger, GAF K and GAF equivalent.
Kennedy Axis V products: overview, quick reference, a Ducth study, de manual (Amazon)
Health of the Nation Outcome Scale (Dutch version)
De Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS) is ontwikkeld in opdracht van het Engelse Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, met als doel om op eenvoudige wijze de geestelijke gezondheidstoestand en het sociaal functioneren van psychiatrische patiënten routinematig te beoordelen. De HoNOS is de meest gebruikte uitkomstmaat in Engeland en Australië.
Assessment of Need
Camberwell assessment of need (CAN)
The Camberwell Assessment of Need (CAN) is an instrument for the assessment of health needs and social functioning for sujects mental health problems. A short self-rating version is available here. A Ducth transliation can be downloaded here.